Putting others first craft
It feels good to put others first! And, the only way our kids will see that, is if we model it first.
With this craft, you can ask questions like; will you miss out if you let someone go down the slide first? Is waiting 5 seconds worth making someone else feel special? How are other ways we can put others first? What are some times when Jesus put others first?
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You will receive a PDF file with colour and outlines.
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Materials & Equipment
- Printer
- Paper
- Colouring Tools
- Scissors
- Glue
- Colour in
- Score fold lines
- Cut out
- Fold background on dashed line
- Glue slide tabs to corresponding tabs to make the slide
** HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PAPER from Amazon** which I use for ALL my crafts because it’s a bit thicker than ordinary printer paper and prints brilliantly!!!
** This is an affiliate link, which means if you make a purchase, I’ll receive a tiny portion of the sale (this does not increase the price for you!).